Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Drink a little drink for me

"Sometimes too much to drink is barely enough."  Mark Twain 

Ahhh.... Labor Day weekend... that glorious end-of-summer holiday marking the end of a season, the start of a new one, and the commencement of many little lovelies such as
fall clothes (maybe not right away in the South, but still), cooler weather (see previous parentheses), college football (Go Georgia Bulldogs and go SEC!), changing leaves, an ever-present cozy-nostalgic feeling, and the start of the holiday season.  Can you stand it??  But first, before thinking of all that the fast-approaching Autumn has to offer, let's just kick back and enjoy the 3-day holiday!  (And for those of you thinking, "gosh, doesn't she recall the true meaning of Labor Day?," I am right there with you and will be doing a separate, more somber blog post on that topic later this week.  For now, let's focus on the revelry of the holiday)!

In honor of the holiday, which hopefully will involve some R & R, fun, and time with friends and family, we wanted to share some cocktail recipe ideas with you.  We know that a sip of any of the delicious drinks listed below will put our fun-loving readers right into the holiday mode.  One caveat - if you have more than one or two of these, please be safe and don't drink and drive.  We don't advise heavy drinking and Bunco playing either.... well, not if you want to win anyways!  ;o)  

(1) The Mojito.

There's just something refreshing about even just the glimpse of the glass.... and don't you just feel crisp and clean whenever mint is involved??  Extra points and pats on the back if you muddle your own mint in the glass bottom... 

Try the recipe found here.

(2) The Pomegranate Margarita. 

Drinking this makes you relaxed, health-savvy, and abreast of the latest in drink trends, all at once.  How simply fab.  And the recipe we've linked you to has been triple-tested by none other than the venerable Good Housekeeping Institute.  An honor of distinction, say we.

Here's the recipe to swoon over here.

(3) The Pimm's Cup.

According to bonappetit.com, "[w]hat the Mojito is to Cuba and the mint julep is to America, the Pimm's Cup is to England—a refreshing, seasonal sipper that's both a symbol of national pride and an international infatuation."  Need we say more? Although you surely won't feel like waving the ol' Union Jack this weekend (this is an American holiday, after all), you might here the faint strains of "God Save the Queen" playing through your mind.... Down one at a Cricket match and you'll really be cooking with gas.

Find the Bon Appetit version here.

(4) Hibiscus Tea with Vodka.

This is a new one to us as well.  It just looks so gorgeous, all pink and shimmery.... and with hibiscus in it?  How deliciously girly.  And with vodka in it?  How deliciously woozy.  Make it Grey Goose or Ketel please.  We simply must try it out.

Nab the recipe here.

(5) The Tom Collins. 

Let's end on a classic, shall we?  This drink was memorialized in 1876 (a patriotic year, how apropros by "the father of American mixology," Jerry Thomas.  I love a drink with a historical prominence, don't you?  And any drink with its own glass has my vote.

Find out how to whip one up here.




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