Thursday, January 31, 2013

a little Mardi Gras revelrie...

Is it really almost February?!  How did that happen?  I still feel like we just rounded the bend after Halloween and are heading full-speed ahead to Christmas.  But then I shake off the ol' noggin fog and realize... no, it's mid-winter, almost February, and before you can say "Happy Valentine's Day!" -- it'll be warm out!  How does that happen and, more importantly, can we slow this ride down?

Gosh, I didn't know Father Time moonlighted as the Grim Reaper (check out that scythe)!  I guess everyone was doing what they had to do in ye olde 1880's and 1890's to make a shilling.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Homemade Fudge Recipe

My nanny - Betty, who was just like a grandmother to me, use to make this fudge when I was little and the taste of it alone brings back so many fond childhood memories. I can still see Betty (or Beb as I so affectionately called her) sitting in the kitchen stirring a batch of hot fudge over the stove top... it didn't have to be a special holiday or occasion either, she would just randomly whip up this homemade chocolatey goodness for all of us kids. Beb helped raised me from the time I was brought home from the hospital and remained in my life even after my parents no longer needed her childcare services. Both of my grandmothers lived out of state so in many ways she filled in the gaps. Still to this day my mother will say how grateful she was to have her around. Beb is no longer with us, I believe she's gone on to a much better place, but I'll never forget that special lady who always had so much love for me and my siblings and often showed us that love through her cooking.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Know your colors, ladies....

Bear with me readers.... today I want to get a little artsy-fartsy on you.  I want to talk about colors.  No, I don't mean your own individual colors that we girls used to be taught about, i.e., whether you are a cool person or a warm person or a neutral person.  Doesn't it seem no one really talks about those things anymore, at least not as much as they used to?  (Somewhere, Mary Kay Ash just sat up from the grave and wants to slap me silly. But really, I'm just not sure those rules are as important as they once were.  I'll bet you a pink Cadillac not as much as they did 50 years ago.  But I digress).

Miss Mary Kay Ash herself.  Glamorous til the end.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

We're Ringing in the New Year with this Butterscotch Cake Recipe!

Happy New Year!

By now I'm sure your collard greens (symbolizing a prosperous new year) and black eyed peas (representing good health) are on the stove top, but if you're still unsure of what to make for dessert then allow me to suggest a delicious butterscotch cake! It's truly one of my favorites... I got the recipe from my sister-in-law and everyone I've made this for says it's amazing! It's simple to whip together too... below is all you need to know!