Each year
our bunco group comes together for some sort of charity around the
holiday season. Last year, we supported our troops through a group
called Operation Homefront where we sponsored a few military families
and purchased Christmas gifts for their children. (Read that post here.) This year, we kept
with the same military theme only changed it up to send care packages
to the troops who are currently overseas. Some of us met up at Target
and purchased items such as candy, beef jerky, cans of Chef Boyardee,
Hostess Cakes (long live the Twinkie!) and even some playing cards.
These things were compiled with some of our own baked goods,
magazines, letters of gratitude, and artwork from our children to
make up several packages. One of the girls in our group then sorted
and shipped these goodies to the various places around the world
where some of our military men and women are currently serving. I believe she
said one of the packages went to someone stationed on a ship off the
coast of Libya. Considering the recent events in this
country, it's unnerving when you think about the danger this young
man or woman could be in while stationed near such a hostile
environment. Our prayers for protection go with each package that was
sent over.
Needless to
say, it feels so good to give back to these brave men and women who
sacrifice so much for our country. They are so appreciated! We know
their holidays won't be the same being so far away from those they
love, but we hope our care packages will brighten their days in some
small way!
Here we are at Target with our carts full of goodies for the troops! |
Lindsay and
I wish all of those serving our country (as well as our readers!) a
very Happy Thanksgiving!
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