Rolling the Dice and Clinking the Ice

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Perfect Recipe for your Bunco Game Night – Burgundy Mushrooms!

Happy Friday! I'm uber excited to share a really fabulous recipe which came to me via a very dear friend, Lauren. She is actually great friends with both me and Lindsay. We've known this girl forever and she is many fabulous things rolled into one... a wonderful mother, wife, friend, fashionista, purse hoarder – the girl has more pocketbooks than Imelda Marcos has shoes!

She is captain of her tennis team, was voted most congenial for her senior superlative, and some might call her a comedian because she is down right hysterical. But truthfully, I've never really thought of her as a cook until recently. This is ONLY because she is always saying she doesn't care to be in the kitchen much, not because she doesn't make some really yummy things! After trying a few of her recipes out though I think we can add 'cook' to her long list of attributes.

Well, the other night it was Lauren's turn to host Bunco and she whipped out this mushroom dish that had everyone coming back for more. So, for the foodies who read our blog, I encourage you to try this Burgundy Mushroom recipe. It makes the perfect side dish or you can do as Lauren did and serve as an appetizer. It does take some time, a whopping 9 hours to be exact, but trust me, these shrooms are well worth the wait.
I hope you guys enjoy this recipe as much as I do... next time I hope to blog about a delicious candy bacon that I hear is pretty easy to make. First, I gotta get it from Katie, another good friend and fellow bunco player to me and Lindsay. Wish me luck. ;)


Burgundy Mushrooms
4 lbs. button mushrooms
2 sticks real butter
1 liter of burgundy wine
5 cloves garlic peeled
1 tsp pepper
2 tsp salt
1 tsp dill weed
4 beef boullion cubes
4 chicken boullion cubes
2 cups boiling water
1 1/2 tsp worcestershire

Put everything except the salt into a large stockpot. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer COVERED for 6 hours. Remove the lid and continue to cook UNCOVERED for 3 more hours.

Add salt to taste at the end of cooking, if desired. The mushrooms will be very dark in color. 
You can simmer these slowly until you need them. Serve warm in chafing dish, with tooth picks or alongside a tenderloin or good steak. They will keep for a few days in the fridge.

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